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Internationella avtal praktisk kontraktsskrivning för icke-jurister

GERMAN ORGALIME GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MAINTENANCE - M 2000 Scope of use The General Condi tions for M aintenance are i ntended t o be used where one company, the Customer, employs another company, the Contractor, to carry out technical maintenance of the Customer s equipment, under a contract which runs for a certain period. The conditions Teknologiainfo Teknova Oy | Tietoa teknologiateollisuuden • Orgalime S 2012 (+ NTLB 02, VTA 2004, Orgalime S 2012 S, Orgalime SW 14 • ECE 188 + Addendum Laitetoimitus + asennus • NLM 10 + sopimuspohja • Orgalime SI 14 (uusi, korvaa Orgalime SE 01:n) (+ Orgalime SW 14) • ECE188 A + Addendum Huolto -, kunnossapito - ja korjaus- palvelut Orgalime S2000 ECE 188 + Addendum (+ NTLB 02, VTA 2004 , Orgalime S 2000 S, Orgalime SW 01) Laitetoimitus + asennus NLM 10 + sopimuspohja Orgalime SE 01 (+ Orgalime SW 01) ECE188 A + Addendum Huolto-, kunnossapito- ja korjauspalvelut NU 06 FI (uudistettu 2011)+ sopimuspohja NR 06 NL och Orgalime är två av de vanligaste standardavtalen som används inom svensk industri. Det nyligen uppdaterade NL 17 används vid affärer inom Norden medan Orgalime S2012 är vanligt vid affärer framförallt inom Europa. De båda standardavtalen är ganska lika men det finns skillnader. Många företag väljer att använda ett standardavtal då det är ett bra sätt att kunna hantera ORGALIME S 2000. E. ALFVE.

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Jeśli Dostawca przewiduje, że nie będzie mógł dostarczyć Urządzenia na czas, powinien bezzwłocznie powiadomić o tym ORGALIME GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MAINTENANCE - M 2000 Scope of use The General Condi tions for M aintenance are i ntended t o be used where one company, the Customer, employs another company, the Contractor, to carry out technical maintenance of the Customer s equipment, under a contract which runs for a certain period. The conditions English. OJ No 121, 29. 7. 1994, p. 2012/64. Directive as updated by Directive 91/497/EEC (OJ No L 268, 24.

Orgalim represents Europe’s technology industries – innovative companies spanning the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, and metal technology branches. Together they represent the EU’s largest manufacturing sector, generating annual turnover of around €2,000 billion, manufacturing one-third of all European exports and providing 11 million direct jobs.

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Engelska  Mar 19, 2013 فارسی(FA); English(UK) All tenders and contracts for performance of delivery are governed by Orgalime General conditions for the supply of mechanical. electronical and associated Products (S2000) of August 2000 A copy Many translated example sentences containing "Orgalime s2000" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations. For simulator hardware, Oryx follows the Orgalime standard.

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structure and content. The most obvious difference is that Orgalime S 2000 are complete and do not need a separate agreement on basic terms, such as the length of the defects liability period and the extent of the seller’s liability for late delivery. Orgalime S 2000 are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. ORGALIME GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MAINTENANCE._.. M 2000 Brussels, September 2000 PREAMBLE These General Conditions shall apply when the parties agree in writing or otherwise thereto.

GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR COMPUTER SOFTWARE - SW 01 March 2001 These conditions are a supplement to Orgalime’s General Conditions S2000 or SE01.
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Orgalime has since been registered on the Transparency Register operated jointly by the European Commission and the European Parliament. Overview.
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Orgalime (расшифровывается как Organisme de Liaison des Industries Métalliques Européennes) — европейская ассоциация S 2012 er et sæt internationale salgs- og leveringsbetingelser for leverancer af maskiner, mekanisk, elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr.